Saturday, April 20, 2013

AIDA Model

AIDA is an acronym used in marketing and advertising that describes a common list of events that may occur when a consumer engages with an advertisement.
  • A - Attention (Awareness): attract the attention of the customer.
  • I - Interest: raise customer interest by focusing on and demonstrating advantages and benefits (instead of focusing on features, as in traditional advertising).
  • D - Desire: convince customers that they want and desire the product or service and that it will satisfy their needs.
  • A - Action: lead customers towards taking action and/or purchasing.

A.I.D.A Model in Marketing Communication

by Chris Joseph, Demand Media
If you've ever been motivated to take action due to an advertisement, you've likely been influenced by a technique called A.I.D.A, which stands for "attention, interest, desire, action." This process is used by many marketers in their communications to entice prospects to make a purchase or take a desired action. The technique is commonly used in advertising vehicles such as television commercials and direct mail pieces.


The attention portion of the marketing message occurs at the beginning and is designed to give the prospects a reason to take notice. Presenting a shocking fact or statistic that identifies a problem which can be solved by the product or service is one common method of gaining attention. Other methods can include asking a thought-provoking question or using the element of surprise. The purpose is to give the prospects a reason for wanting to learn more.


Once you've gained the prospects' attention, the next step is to maintain interest in your product or service to keep the recipients engaged. Explain to the recipients how the problem you've identified in the attention step is adversely affecting their lives. A demonstration or illustration can help the recipients to further identify with the problem and want to actively seek possible solutions. By personalizing the problem, you're making it hit closer to home.


In the desire stage, your objective is to show the prospects how your product or service can solve their problem. Explain the features of the product or service and the related benefits and demonstrate how the benefits fulfill the need. A common advertising process is the "before and after" technique, such as when a cleaning product makes a soiled item look brand new. If done effectively, the prospects should now have the desire to make a purchase.


Now that you've created the desire to make a purchase, the final step is to persuade the prospects to take immediate action. In a one-on-one sales process, this is the time to ask for the sale. In the advertising world, techniques involve creating sense of urgency by extending an offer for a limited time or including a bonus of special gift to those who act within a specific time frame. Without a specific call to action, the prospect may simply forget about your offer and move on.

How to use AIDA model for Online Cafe?

Attention:  after a researched and have got feedback from the users and personas we have came with these ideas are attention for the customer at Online Cafe layout and advanced computers with high internet services.

Interest:  according to our personas we have came with gamification ideas. In gamification we will have different level of game in the Cafe website and the users can choose whatever they would like to play themselve and create a challenge for others who comes to play together with members.

Desire:  In the levels we have certain time to finish the games then member can go throw other level to finish first level. Cafe has provide some membership facilities for each level if member can finish first level of game they can play second level and also create a challenge at the same time to others. if the users are succeed to play games properly the owner of Cafe will provide some discount of subscribe like 3 months or six months it depends of owner to pay that  for free to users.

Action: when users open the website of Cafe they can also study about terms and conditions while using the game. if the user would like to make a member Cafe has sign up or log in facilities that one is a action for the members.


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