Saturday, April 20, 2013

Field work

Research in Online Café :
One of my friends is still working there in online café as an I.T. support. His name is Bishnu. I have contacted him to help me to do some research making some questionnaire. The results has been back in the following way :
Interview no. 1
Bishnu (Staff) : How do you heard about the online café ? How often do you come here ?
Arjun (customer, age 24, student) : I have heard about the online café from my  friends. I come here most of the weekends when I am free and mostly when I have my holidays from the school.
Bishnu : Why online café ? what is the special thing that you like the most ?
Arjun : This is very unique café. The layout and advanced computers with high internet service and most attractive gaming computers is the attraction point for why I do come here. Also, we can order soft drinks and noodles from computer to the reception.
Interview no. 2

Bishnu (staff) : Why  do you like to come online café ?
Prem (regular customer, age 53) : Well, first of all, I like the entire fresh environment in this café. There is membership facility and there is also discount : The more you use the more you get discount. Also, the owner is very nice with the customers. Fast Internet with black coffee- I like this very much.
Bishnu : What normally you do in computer ?
Prem : I use internet most of the time, chatting with my family around the world, and I use facebook and emails sometime. And, sometime I also play the game though I am old…haha.

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