Monday, April 22, 2013

Project Management

As for this project, prototyping method is chosen for the completion of the project. Because prototyping method best suits the project and in prototyping method, rough layout of the website will be drawn before giving final implementation, so with this method it is easy to make changes before implementation. It gives a clear idea of the end product to be made; therefore errors can be detected much earlier.

We have divided the project into number of tasks during this project which helps us a lot to achieve task in the desired time, We learned a lot how to organize the project in a smooth way.

1st Week
Project planning

Start synopsis writing 

2nd week
Company Analysis

Report and  T.G. Analysis
3rd week
Visual Analysis

Report and Communication Plan
4th week
Web magazine developing
Report & Final review

1 comment:

  1. Divide Prototyping and Project Management into two chapters. Read up on prototyping. There is more to it than what you have written.

    Also your project plan should be more detailed and contain information about who is responsible for what.
